This is an interesting plant hormone. I thought I could just learn about it as a “normal” obsessive investigation, but things sort of grew out of control.
This is an interesting plant hormone. I thought I could just learn about it as a “normal” obsessive investigation, but things sort of grew out of control.
Why did the oracle of Delphi go into a trance state? Does it have anything to do with ethylene?
In ancient Greece, the Oracle of Delphi operated out of the Temple of Apollo. This temple was destroyed in AD 390 by the Roman emperor Theodosius I in the name of Christianity. Still, it's a real place and the ruins...
Who can deny that many store-bought tomatoes have a certain similarité to acidic balls of cardboard?
Ethylene is the source of a lot of confusion, particularly when it comes to tomatoes. In *Tomatoland*, Barry Estabrook writes: "An industrial Florida tomato is harvested when it is still hard and green and then taken to a packinghouse, where...
Imagine you’re flying a plane full of babies. Initially, they’re all sleeping peacefully. But if one wakes up, they’ll start crying. That will eventually wake up some of the neighbors who will also start crying, and soon your plane will...
Ethylene gas, how it works, and how to manipulate it in your kitchen
Amos answered Amaziah, "No prophet am I, not any prophetic symbol, but a shepherd am I, who used to prick the sycamore fruit that it might duly ripen for the market." —Amos 7:14 (translated by Samuel Cox) While I'd like to...